Card reading.

Card reading is a good means to take a look at the past and the present, or to focus on current problems. People consult the cards to gain a better insight into their problems, which is not always easy.
Some people have questions about how to solve a problem. Mostly they know the answer themselves, they only want an affirmation from an outsider, someone who doesn’t know anything about their case and thus isn’t prejudiced; someone who doesn’t take sides, so, in short, a neutral person.
Which cards do I work with?
- I begin with the cards of Melle Lenormand. They give a lot of information about daily problems and can also be used to answer certain questions. Melle Lenormand was a well-known card reader. Even Napoleon asked her advice. In the course of time many card readers have started working with her cards and I think that nowadays most of the card readers use Melle Lenormand’s cards.
- Afterwards I take the gipsy cards to reveal other elements. It’s advised to always work with several card decks to get a confirmation and also, because it’s another card deck, to obtain new details. Each card deck gives more information, but it’s not allowed to ask the same question twice on the same day. The card decks are work instruments, not playing cards.
- It’s a must to use the Tarot; personally I prefer the Crowley Tarot. These cards give much information about a person’s psyche and feelings at a particular moment. They allow to derive important things, for instance to make people realise what they can change in their inner selves, how to deal with certain problems and how to think positive. It’s a kind of confrontation with themselves, and even though some people don’t feel comfortable with this confrontation, it’s always good to look in one’s own heart.
- Of course we may not forget the Love Tarot, what are we without love? A relationship is very important in someone’s life. Most of the problems are caused by relation problems. Many people are afraid to leave behind everything they have gathered in their lives. They continue to live in misery and under pressure and cannot make the choice of being happy. Here, of course, the financial aspect plays a significant role. Shall I succeed when I’m alone? Shall I be happy again? Is this the right thing to do? Those are the questions asked daily.
- The card chosen by the client always contains a message from the archangel Michael. The text on this card is mostly a message for that particular person, giving more insight and showing the way to follow.
- Sometimes, for well-defined questions, I choose Bellini’s Oracle cards. Only when I decide it’s necessary I ask to draw these cards.
- Symbolic cards are a perfect aid to know even more: they provide a symbolic explanation of the problem, which is not always well understood by the client.
- I also have Indian cards which I especially use for persons who are spiritually gifted. Typical of these cards is that they talk to you, when you look at the pictures you can derive what is to come or what the client can possibly do with his spiritual feelings.
- Actually I use many other Tarot card decks, too many to name them all here, but each of them offers another interpretation of a specific problem.